
Britský hudebník letos debutoval na norské značce Miasmah excelentním albem Hold - epickým těžkotonážním monolitem, ve kterém se odstíny extrémnější kytarové hudby, od shoegaze po black metal, pomalu olizují a stravují jak masivní plameny šlehající k nebi. Intenzitou a výraznou basou připomene rané Swans (Filth, Cop), avšak jejich neurvalost a zvířeckost nahrazuje dronovou hypnotičností a zvukovým filigránstvím, které přesto nepostrádá tu správnou porci špíny. James má za sebou jinak několik spoluprácí, z nichž stojí za speciální zmínku několik s bubeníkem Tony Buckem (The Necks), který se podílel i na Jamesově debutu.


Like watching a massive twisting fire slowly fading into the open skies, accompanied by a drum section so repetitive yet mind bending that you're unsure if it´s ever going to stop. This is how Hold starts off, leaving you catching for your breath before the album has even reached the second track.
James Welburn steps into the ashes covered in drones and noise together with drumming partner Tony Buck (The Necks), producing a debut album crushingly epic. Hailing from the UK, but located in both Berlin (DE) and Lillehammer (NO), James has been on a path to catch the perfect drone through the last years, playing an abundance of underground drone and noise sets in Berlin and Norway. This can be heard on Hold, though set in an impressively produced setting closer to a recent Swans record rather than the raw noise of those early live shows.
It´s hard to label the album too much in one style, as it shifts and turns into parts inspired by everything from Shoegaze to Black Metal, all set in a state of endless repetition.

- "Full of sounds and structures to get lost in, to bathe in the layers and wade through the textures that Welburn constructs with consummate skill"
- "...marks him out as a solo artist and collaborationist to watch"

"Hold from the get-go is captivating in the best possible way.... strangely beautiful and has a je ne sais quois"

"Ambience overlays powerhouse grind to stunning effect to create an album you don’t so much listen to as feel, experience and yield to." 

"...absolut hypnotisch und bewusstseinsverändernd auf den Hörer wirken"
("... absolutely hypnotic and mind-altering effect on the listener")

"En als de laatste noten zijn weggestorven is er maar één conclusie mogelijk: Welburn heeft een overweldigend, heftig en bij tijd en wijlen inktzwart album afgeleverd."
("And when the last notes have faded away, there is only one possible conclusion: Welburn has delivered a stunning, intense and at times ink black album.")

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